Micom P341 Relay

The MiCOM P341 and P922G Interconnection Protection Relays offer the protection requirements necessary for operating machines in parallel with the main power supply network.

Availability: 1 in stock (can be backordered) SKU: MICOMP341
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The MiCOM P341 and P922G Interconnection Protection Relays offer the protection requirements necessary for operating machines in parallel with the main power supply network.

The MiCOM Interconnection relays can be customized to meet the specific needs of the intended application. They offer complete, cost-effective and highly reliable protection for operating machines.

The P341 also includes Dynamic Line Rating (DLR) protection to optimize transmission line capacity. Gains of 50% or more can be achieved, depending on the environmental  conditions, enabling more Distributed Generation (DG) such as windfarms to be connected to the grid by taking into account the real time weather conditions to calculate the line rating compared to using the fixed summer/winter line ratings. DLR is a cost effective alternative to re-inforcing overhead lines to increase capacity and there are also benefits to the  wind farm owner in that higher revenues can be made with a higher line rating.

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Weight 7 kg