Introduction to SF6
Sulfur Hexafluoride (SF6) is a colourless and odourless greenhouse gas which is used across the electrical industry as an insulator for High voltage switchgear, as it has a high dielectric strength it is widely used across many platforms such as:
- Inhert gas in the Magnesium industry
- SF6 plasma in the Semiconductor industry
- inert filling Insulated glazing windows
- Medical industry for retina detachment repair, viterous chamber and even used in ultrasound imaging

Our Services
NKD Group can safely hold, store and remove SF6 both on site and at our works with our specialist design mobile SF6 Gas cart.
We work nationwide for both individual cases or full substation disposal projects. We are Fully licensed and registered with the Environment agency, every ounce of SF6 disposed from your equipment will be documented and disposed of in line with EA regulations and all documentation will be provided.
Should your equipment be losing gas we can diagnose, report and repair your SF6 equipment where possible, should a repair be suitable and safe we can then introduce more SF6 gas into the equipment to fall within the required level.

More Services
No all items have to be scrapped once they have been de-gassed, with the been said we have the facility to identify leaks and potentially make repairs both on site and in our works. If the equipment can be repaired then we will, the do further leak detection tests to ensure no further leaks, we can top up and replace the SF6 gas, if the switch cannot be repaired we can use our stock of breakers to replace it for you or product source you an alternative.